From 10th to 14th September, Fami will take part in Automechanika in Frankfurt, Germany
Occupational safety
Health and safety
Safety, prevention and protection.
Fami is not only attentive to protecting the environment but also its workforce. For this reason, the workplace information and training process – envisaged in the applicable regulations – is conducted very carefully.
From 2007 Fami S.r.l. has started, within its organization, a project for implementing a Safety and Health Management System in its work places, complying with “LavoroSicuro” guidelines. In January 2008 Fami achieved the Management System validation from Confindustria Veneto and INAIL Direzione Veneto, a system that continues to be applied: safety culture represents for Fami an indispensable element for a dynamic and modern company.
Thanks to an expert team, all the production areas are constantly monitored and equipped with up-to-date prevention and protection systems to safeguard the workers. Special filters, centralised extraction systems and many other devices protect – in accordance with the applicable regulations – operations on the line and not only.
This on-going process helps to prevent, and thus reduce, accidents at work.